Melissa Hoyt is a member of Glooscap First Nation in Nova Scotia whose mother is from Constance Lake First Nation and whose father is Quebecois. Much of her family currently reside in Constance Lake First Nation and Fort Albany First Nation – Constance Lake remains to this day her “happy place.”
Melissa was privileged to spend 4 illuminating years working with Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory – there she gained a deep respect for Haudenosaunee teachings and community and a drive to learn more and live a life guided by Spirit.
Melissa grew up witnessing the deep inequities between First Nations peoples and white majority Canadians. She will never forget her family deciding to send her cousin to Nova Scotia – away from her friends and supports and roots – just so she could get a better education. This is a large reason Melissa works hard to understand her privilege in society and use it to elevate the voices of all our relations.