Teach For Canada Advisors Jennifer Martino
Jennifer Martino
Community Impact Specialist, United Way Elgin Middlesex

Jennifer Martino is the Community Impact Specialist for the United Way in Elgin Middlesex. She was previously Executive Director of One Laptop Per Child Canada (OLPC), a not-for-profit organization that enhances education for Aboriginal youth with technological tools designed for creative, innovative, self-empowered learning. To date, OLPC Canada has provided more than 4000 laptops and tablets to Aboriginal youth through 20 urban, rural and remote educational programs in 8 provinces and 2 territories. Prior to this role, Jennifer was Director for the OLPC Canada pilot program under the Belinda Stronach Foundation, and supported various Latin American OLPC programs as a learning consultant with the OLPC Foundation based in Boston. Jennifer has an undergraduate degree in International Development and a Master of Arts with emphasis on the role of technology in special education.

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