Lanna comes to Gakino’amaage: Teach for Canada with 20 years of secondary teaching experience in Ontario, where she co-created nature and arts-based alternative education programs rooted in anti-oppressive and trauma-informed practices. She has also taught in Venezuela, Australia, and Indonesia.
Lanna is an Ontario and British Columbia certified teacher. She completed a Master of Education in Adult Education and Community Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education with research that includes Indigenous-settler relationships, Indigenous Knowledge education, and land-based learning. Currently, she is pursuing a diploma in Expressive Arts Therapy at the CREATE Institute, where she is considering how intermodal art practices can process and transform grief and conflict.
Lanna enjoys commuting by bicycle, dancing, canoeing, and sharing time with horses. She is learning to play guitar, dreaming of future possibilities and cultivating the art of deep listening.